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resource hub

Quality admissions advice. None of the noise. 100% free.

Meeting Schools Off Campus

A well-informed and well-prepared candidate can do just as well with an...

Narrow Down Your Target School List Template

Many candidates struggle to settle on which schools to submit applications to....

Should I Even Go to Graduate School If It's Not a...

If you're thinking about graduate school but aren't sure if it's worth it to do...

Final School List Validation Template

Do you have the right risk profile in your target schools? Does your target...

Choosing Target Schools — Factors to Consider

This two-part approach will clarify and expedite your target school selection...

What To Do About Getting Waitlisted or Denied

Being waitlisted or denied can feel like the end of the world, but it's really...

How to Research Schools

Beyond a simple Google search, there are dozens of ways to find out more about...

Meeting Schools On Campus

While most applicants are eager to visit their favorite schools, most don’t...

How to Manage Risk in Selecting Schools

Graduate school selection is more complicated than the target, stretch, safety...

How to Narrow Down Your List of Target Schools

Narrowing down your list of target schools can be really difficult, especially...

It's All About Fit: A Framework for Selecting...

Choosing the right school is about viewing the problem from all angles and...