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Quality admissions advice. None of the noise. 100% free.

Know Your Options: 3 Types of Programs

Once you've chosen the degree you want to pursue, your next step is to pick the...

Choosing Target Schools — Factors to Consider

This two-part approach will clarify and expedite your target school selection...

How to Communicate with Your Recommenders

When it comes to recommenders, there are steps you need to take to make sure...

What Are My Weaknesses?

Even after significant introspection, many candidates struggle to identify...

Interview Formats and Types of Interviewers

Most interviews are straightforward and most interviewers are friendly. With...

Resume Case Studies

You know what it takes to write a great grad school resume. Now, take a look at...

Interview Practice Questions Worksheet

Browse the top 50 grad school interview questions and practice answering your...

What To Do About Getting Waitlisted or Denied

Being waitlisted or denied can feel like the end of the world, but it's really...

How to Utilize Your Admissions Brand

See how your brand can be applied to each application section, including...

Let's Take Inventory! Identifying Your Assets

Depending on the type of program you're applying for, there may be a number of...

Grad Degree Cost-Benefit Analysis Worksheet

This cost-benefit analysis template allows graduate school applicants to...

Essay-Writing Final Checklist

This checklist will ensure nothing slips through the cracks in your...