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Top Ten MBA Programs for Consulting

Admit.me Expert Staff

Are you a good decision maker? Do you like to think two steps ahead of others? If so, you’re probably a great fit for an MBA specialized in strategy. A Strategic Management MBA can prepare you for careers in upper level management and consulting, and these are the schools with the best MBA programs for strategy. Our rankings were calculated using a blend of third-party analysis and the opinions of our own admissions experts.

1. Harvard University

Havard’s MBA program leverages the case and field method of teaching to give students experience with business strategy, but their commitment to leadership development is why they are at the top of this list. Throughout both years of the Harvard MBA program, students are required to take courses designed to develop and apply their leadership skills. Both inside the classroom and within student clubs, Harvard MBA students are trained to lead at the highest levels.

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2. Stanford University

Stanford’s MBA program challenges you to think like a senior manager to solve business problems within a team. The program allows students to personalize their academic experience, by offering a variety of courses focused on strategic management and other areas of business that may interest you. Students are also required to complete at least one global experience to learn about business strategy from a global perspective. 

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3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

The Wharton Strategic Management MBA prepares students to lead both established and emerging firms. After completing the two required courses, Managing the Established Enterprise and Managing the Emerging Enterprise, students have the freedom to choose electives from the rest of the curriculum, which focuses on studying advantages and using an analytical approach to assess competition. The Mack Institute for Innovative Management also hosts a Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference every year where business leaders meet to discuss the latest trends and research regarding corporate strategy. 

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4. London Business School

London Business School is one of the world’s premier institutions for strategic management, with an emphasis on global strategy. On campus, students will study alongside peers from around the world to extend their professional network and learn from diverse perspectives. Additionally, there are opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning through project-based programs like LondonCAP, summer internships, and a global business experience. 

Find out more from London Business School


In Fontainebleau, France, the INSEAD Business School attracts some of the most talented students and faculty from around the world. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of global business, while also choosing from a wide variety of strategy-focused courses to tailor their education to their career goals. INSEAD also boasts a robust set of career development resources to help students pursue their goals after graduation.

Find out more from INSEAD

6. Northwestern University (Kellogg)

Within the strategy MBA at Kellogg, students combine analytical thinking with organizational science in order to understand strategic management. Students gain hands-on experience applying business strategy in labs like Analytical Consulting Lab, Global Lab, and Risk Lab. Kellogg also offers a wide variety of strategy elective courses to allow students to focus on the industries that most interest them.

Find out more from Kellogg

7. Duke University (Fuqua)

The Fuqua strategy MBA is centered around answering the question: why do some businesses consistently outperform others? The strategy MBA program challenges students to analyze strategy from a variety of perspectives, such as a manager, consultant, or analyst. Students can also pair a strategy concentration with another concentration that interests them, such as Leadership & Ethics, Decision Sciences, or Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

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8. University of Virginia (Darden)

The Strategy Consulting MBA at Darden focuses on strategy within the role of a consultant. This program helps develop the skills necessary to becoming a successful consultant across a variety of industries. Through student groups like Consulting Club and Community Consultants at Darden, MBA students can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom and find like-minded peers.

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9. Columbia University

Columbia’s Decision, Risk, and Operations MBA prepares students for careers in operations management and decision and risk analysis. The program studies strategic decisions using a quantitative, data-driven perspective. Columbia’s Center for Decision Sciences and Leadership Lab both provide cutting edge research about business strategy and leadership. 

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10. University of Chicago (Booth)

Booth’s Strategic Management MBA teaches strategy with an analytical and entrepreneurial focus. The program combines tools from a variety of disciplines, including economics, psychology, and sociology, in order to develop a diverse approach to decision making. Booth students can practice strategy outside of the classroom by joining groups like Booth Consulting Club or Corporate Strategy and Management Club. 

Find out more from Booth

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