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6 Tips for Introverts to Shine at the MBA Tour

Kofi Kankam

As introverts, we tend to be observant, reflective, and develop close relationships with others. But at the same time, it might be trickier when it comes to large social settings, such as networking events or school fairs. But fear not! This means that we need to have our own strategy for ourselves to make most of our strengths as introverts, and sometimes, find ways to challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone. In this video, we’ll give you 6 tips to shine at the MBA Tour as an introvert.

Tip #1: The more you prepare the more comfortable you will be

  • Before you go to the event do research in advance and think of questions you might want to ask. o Practice builds confidence.
  • Prepare what you want to say about yourself to make yourself shine, know your story.
  • Logistics: avoid unnecessary anxiety. Plan your day ahead of time and keep your mind is at ease.
  • Wear clothes that will boost your confidence. Look good, feel good.

Tip #2: get in your “zone”

  • Before you step into a room full of people, take some time prep your mind: Think about the times you felt most confident, and meditate on those feelings for a few seconds.
  • As you approach the booth, put on your most confident armor to make a good first impression! o Spread your shoulders, straighten your posture, put on a big smile, and give your voice a boost. And don’t forget that firm handshake.  
  • If you feel unnatural, that’s fine! Think: fake it till you make it.

Tip #3: Challenge yourself

  • Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone- set goals for yourself and meet those goals

Tip #4, always be present

  • In a room full of extroverted people, it’s easy to focus on your feelings and start internalizing them. My tip is: Don’t focus on yourself or what you want to say next.
  • Focus on the person you are talking to, and focus on the conversation. Admissions officers are human beings, just like us
  • Remember to ask the questions you prepared in advance, but when you get the chance, try to get to know them! 
  • Don’t forget to bring out your charm by smiling and making lots of eye contact...without being creepy.

Tip #5: Position yourself to feel comfortable:

  • Find something familiar to you: start with something that you feel more comfortable in and build your confidence that way
  • For example if you see a school from your home town talk to them first before moving on to another school.
  • Find the right timing: start with schools that are perhaps not on the top of your list to ease yourself into the flow. Wait until the crowd dies down and then target your top schools.

Tip #6: Reflect:

Introverts are experts at self-reflection, which can be helpful in so many ways! Once the event is over, take some time to reflect about how you did and how you can do it even better. Don’t be afraid to give yourself constructive criticism, but be careful not to go too far - it won’t help. And remember to give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve done a good job.

Remember, the key here is for you create the best environment for yourself to feel comfortable and confident to bring out your best shine. Good luck!


Admit.me Introverts

MBA MBA Tours MBA Video

Kofi Kankam


Kofi Kankam

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