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Admit Blog

Quality admissions advice. None of the noise. 100% free

    The Brass Tacks of the Business School Essay

    The only step-by-step application process for undergraduate, business school,...

    Cracking Wharton: Academics

    The only step-by-step application process for undergraduate, business school,...

    MBA or MS? Tips to Help You Decide.

    How to decide between MBA vs. MS -- what to think about and the pros and cons...

    How to Answer 3 Common MBA Essay Questions (And Any Other Question)

    The secret to effectively answering MBA essay questions is understanding what...

    Admit.me Insider with Christie St-John, Owen Graduate School of Management

    Christie St-John, Director of MBA Admissions at Owen Graduate School of...

    Don't Overlook These 4 Things On Your MBA Application

    One of our best MBA application tips? Candidates often focus so much on the...

    Getting Your Business Degree Online: Pros, Cons, and Top Programs

    Online business degrees from accredited universities prove to be tough...

    Admit.me Insider with Danielle Richie, University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School

    Danielle Richie, Senior Associate Director of MBA Admissions and Student...

    Help Them Help You: Preparing Your Recommenders

    Your recommenders should not dive into writing rave reviews about you blind....

    Admit.me Insider with Shri Ramakrishnan, Whitman School of Management

    Shri Ramakrishnan, Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment at Whitman School...

    Meet Admissions: Rob Schickler, Owen School of Management

    Rob Schickler, Associate Dean of Admissions shares the kind of students he's...

    How Many MBA Programs is Too Many? Asking for a friend...

    Generally, we recommend following the "5-8 Rule" when it comes to how many MBA...