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When it came time to apply to college, Kofi Kankam was initially focused on midwestern schools like most of his classmates. Despite his stellar grades and impressive resume, the Ivies felt distant and unobtainable.

That changed when a Harvard student from Cleveland visited Kofi’s school on a whim. With her encouragement, Kofi applied to Harvard, where he earned both a Bachelor's in Biology and a Master's in Education.

This chance encounter highlighted to Kofi how luck played a significant role in his set of opportunities and how unfair it was that so many others who could not be so lucky would not reach their full potential.

Meanwhile, Eric Allen, also a proud public school alum, earned both acceptance into Brown’s elite engineering program and a starting position on the football team. When a battle with cancer his sophomore year meant he could no longer play football, he realized just how important education was to his future.

Kofi and Eric met at Wharton as members of the MBA Class of 2004. They bonded over their shared value in education and the different paths individuals take to get there. Their experience at Wharton highlighted to them the imbalance in the system and how seats in class didn’t always go to the most deserving people. On a mission to level the admissions playing field, in 2008 they founded admissions consulting firm Admit Advantage.

Admissions consulting was a rewarding career for Kofi and Eric, but still, they felt there was more they could do to fulfill their mission. Even with pricing discounts and cheaper options, they realized there are more candidates who could benefit from admissions support than those who can pay. Too many worthy applicants were left to chase their goals with no support. Admit.me was born to level the admissions playing field once and for all and allow any candidate access to reliable admissions support.

Admit.me, the free virtual admissions coach, provides step-by-step guidance through the admissions process. Admit.me adds structure to an otherwise overwhelming process by generating personalized admissions programs based on the applicant’s background and goals. Admit.me provides tools and lessons designed to optimize the applicant’s admissions chances by framing the applicant's thinking and informing critical admissions decisions. On Admit.me, applicants are empowered to get in front of the best schools and put their best foot forward.

Admit.me's programs are based on proven admissions methodologies Admit Advantage has used to help global applicants get into the best universities in the world for over a decade. Admit.me gives applicants access to the wizard behind the curtain, something most admissions experts reserve for the highest-paying applicants, allowing applicants to drive their own admissions process and enabling all applicants to achieve their professional and academic goals.

Our mission is to empower candidates from all backgrounds to achieve early career success by combating the traditional barriers to higher education. For free.

Level the Admissions Playing Field

the admissions 'credit' score

get scored. get in.